BIC South Asia here summarized the report “Social protection for a changing India,” first commissioned in 2004 and recently released.
IFC’s funding of Tata Ultra Mega powerplant in India will be under probe following the eligibility finding of a complaint lodged by fishing villagers.
Three civil society groups have filed a complaint with the World Bank’s Inspection Panel regarding the Bank’s studies for the Red Sea – Dead Sea Water Conveyance project that aims to divert water to the Dead Sea, which has been shrinking for years. The Requesters argue that the World Bank should be considering other alternatives which are less socially and environmentally harmful and that Palestinian civil society was not given the opportunity to participate adequately in the consultation process. Read the press release which was put out by the Requesters in July 2011.
In a new interview, BIC partner Srinivas Krishnaswami takes a close look at the World Bank’s funding of energy projects in India, and finds that very little of the increased capacity the Bank has funded has gone to helping the poor. He then discusses other paths for India’s future.
60 days after the deadline, World Bank failed to receive a resolution plan from the Cambodian government to address eviction and mitigation issues for more than 20,000 people in Central Phnom Penh. What signal does it send?
The World Bank and the Government of Bolivia recognize the observations of the TCO Takana I on deficiencies in the Indigenous Peoples Plan of the Ixiamas – San Buenaventura Highway project and accept to start a process to improve the Indiginous Plan even after the project was approved.
The World Bank and the Government of Bolivia recognize the observations of the TCO Takana I on deficiencies in the Indigenous Peoples Plan of the Ixiamas – San Buenaventura Highway project and accept to start a process to improve the Indigenous Plan even after the project was approved.
The Bank Information Center and Forest Peoples Programme have provided comments on the Revised R-PP Template, SESA and ESMF Guidelines.
The document presents guidance on the key elements of effective stakeholder engagement in the context of REDD+ readiness for the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility and the UN-REDD Programme.
BIC recently attended the eighth meeting of the FCPF Participants Committee in our role as the NGO observer. Presented here is a summary of the proceedings.