Civil society calls on AIIB to prioritize social sustainability in the transport sector

Bujagali: Will the World Bank Miss the Opportunity to Learn from its Mistakes?

BIC Welcomes New Executive Director

Senate Appropriators Send Message to World Bank on Accountability

FY18 Omnibus: U.S. Contributions to International Financial Institutions

This post is also available in: ArabicSpanish

The Bank Information Center partners with civil society in developing and transition countries to influence the World Bank and other international financial institutions to promote social and economic justice and ecological sustainability.





BIC works to advocate for economic, social, cultural, and environmental rights. Currently, our principal campaign is for the World Bank’s Safeguards review.




BIC organizes workshops on issues like access to information and coordinate on project monitoring with civil society partners around the world.




BIC monitors high-risk or otherwise problematic projects throughout the world financed by Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) like the World Bank Group.



  • Bujagali: Will the World Bank Miss the Opportunity to Learn from its Mistakes?
    Bujagali: Will the World Bank Miss the Opportunity to Learn from its Mistakes?

    This post is also available in: ArabicSpanishTomorrow, the World Bank Board of Directors will decide whether to approve an investigation into a complaint related to the Bujagali Dam in Uganda. The complaint alleges that Management failed to take appropriate actions to protect an offset area it agree...

  • BIC Welcomes New Executive Director
    BIC Welcomes New Executive Director

    This post is also available in: ArabicSpanishJuly 13, 2018 The Bank Information Center’s Board of Directors is thrilled to announce the appointment of Elana Berger as BIC’s Executive Director, effective immediately.  Ms. Berger has been serving as Interim Executive Director for the past six months. ...

  • Senate Appropriators Send a Message to the World Bank on Accountability
    Senate Appropriators Send a Message to the World Bank on Accountability

    This post is also available in: ArabicSpanishCommunity discussion on a World Bank Inspection Panel case in Egypt Last week, Senate Appropriators sent a strong message to the World Bank in support of the institution’s Independent Accountability Mechanisms (IAMs). The FY19 State & Foreign Operatio...
