The project has a great potential to reorder and even positively or negatively change the dinamics of development and conservation in the region. Bolivia’s government has decided that the PAD will not be public before it’s approved. It seems that the project underestimates its indirect influence, and there are shortcomings in planification and consultation.
The project has a great potential to reorder and even positively or negatively change the dinamics of development and conservation in the region. Bolivia’s government has decided that the PAD will not be public before it’s approved. It seems that the project underestimates its indirect influence, and there are shortcomings in planification and consultation.
263 non-governmental organizations from 51 countries submitted a letter yesterday urging the Prime Ministers of Lao PDR and Thailand to immediately cancel the proposed Xayaburi Dam on the Mekong River’s mainstream in Northern Laos.
BIC’s Europe and Central Asia program has issued a briefing note on the proposed Rogun Dam, currently being assessed by the World Bank, with several potential funders looking into the project.
The Republic of Congo (RoC) government is preparing to send the country’s revised Readiness Preparation Proposal (R-PP) to the Facility Management Team (FMT) of the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) after conducting a national validation workshop in Brazzaville from February 22-23, 2011.
The World Bank’s Inspection Panel found that the Bank breached its operational policies by failing to properly design and supervise the Cambodia Land Management and Administration Project (LMAP), contributing to the forced eviction of some 4,250 families.
Dan Kammen has written a blog post discussing the upcoming UNFCCC conference in Durban, South Africa, the Scaling up Renewable Energy in Low-Income Countries program (SREP), and how the poor can benefit from both.
Following the January consultation in Mumbai, several peoples’ movements and civil society organizations have written an expanded critique of the draft IFC policy revisions. The document ranges from specific comments on details in the draft, to explanations of an overall vision of what the new policy should look like.
Despite recent internal reforms, new evidence raises questions about bank quality control. In direct contrast to IDB management claims, the OVE evaluation found the actual evaluability of projects has deteriorated markedly when measured using a consistent methodology applied to three cohorts of projects.