Makatar Diop, the director of Brazil responds to civil society about their inquiry on the transparency of the activity involving DPLs between the World Bank and BNDES.
The project will require an investment of some US$118mn, being financed to the tune of US$103mn by a World Bank loan and US$15mn in counterpart funding by the La Paz government.
Complaint Raises Serious Concerns with the Project Funded by IFC’s Financial Intermediary.
The proposed Kosovo power project, including a new lignite coal plant, has brought great controversy. The United States government is caught between its stated opposition to new coal-fired plants and support for the Kosovar project.
This report from the Bank Information Center as NGO Observer summarizes the main discussions and outcomes from PC9 in Oslo, Norway.
Peru submits their fourth version to the FCPF Participants Committee at their eight meeting in March 23-25.
The World Bank, the Technical Advisory Panel, and the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility present their comments on the latest draft of the the Colombia R-PP.
BIC South Asia here summarized the report “Social protection for a changing India,” first commissioned in 2004 and recently released.
IFC’s funding of Tata Ultra Mega powerplant in India will be under probe following the eligibility finding of a complaint lodged by fishing villagers.