Complaint Raises Serious Concerns with the Project Funded by IFC’s Financial Intermediary.
IFC’s funding of Tata Ultra Mega powerplant in India will be under probe following the eligibility finding of a complaint lodged by fishing villagers.
In a new interview, BIC partner Srinivas Krishnaswami takes a close look at the World Bank’s funding of energy projects in India, and finds that very little of the increased capacity the Bank has funded has gone to helping the poor. He then discusses other paths for India’s future.
Three weeks after receiving a complaint about the coal-based energy project, the IFC has agreed the case is eligible for inspection. The financial intermediary project raised several social and environmental issues.
Following the January consultation in Mumbai, several peoples’ movements and civil society organizations have written an expanded critique of the draft IFC policy revisions. The document ranges from specific comments on details in the draft, to explanations of an overall vision of what the new policy should look like.
As the World Bank sets out to review and update its Safeguard Policy framework over the next two years, the Operational Policy 8.60 governing the use of DPLs should be included in that review. This brief identifies five areas of DPL policy guidance that merit revision and could guide a full DPL evaluation.
Indian journalist Raji Bakshi looks into the IFC policy review and imagines what it could mean for the future of projects in her country. Bakshi argues, a well written policy could open up new space for citizen engagement, while still raising concerns over client complience.
BIC is happy to announce the publication of our new Executive Director advocacy toolkit. Built around our ED advocacy workshop held during the 2010 Annual Meetings, this guide provides strategies for civil society actors to engage and build relationships with the World Bank’s Executive Directors.