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On December 2-6 2013, the Facility Management Team (FMT) of the World Bank’s Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) held a workshop in Bogota, Colombia to facilitate capacity building and exchange of experiences among South American FCPF country participants. The workshop, entitled “Social Inclusion in the Processes of Preparation of National REDD+ Strategies,” was intended to help FCPF countries confront new challenges in promoting significant involvement of relevant actors in the REDD+ process.
Training focused on the following four themes, specifically identified as challenges by FCPF countries:
- Analysis and commonalities of country experiences;
- Consultation and participation;
- Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA) and Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF);
- Grievance redress mechanisms.
In order to promote exchange of lessons learned and peer review among countries, the workshop employed a highly participatory design. Representatives from the government, civil society, indigenous peoples, and women’s groups attended from six South American countries: Chile, Colombia, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, and Suriname. The workshop was the third in a series of five regional workshops— the FMT previously held workshops in Kenya and Thailand, and plans to hold a workshop for Mesoamerican countries in January.
Watch an interview about the workshop with Kenn Rapp from the FCPF: