BIC Rebuttal to the World Bank’s Response to BIC’s case studies on Development Policy Operations in Peru, Egypt, Mozambique, and Indonesia
March 2017
In January 2017, the Bank Information Center (BIC) along with international and local partner organizations published a report and four case studies on seven World Bank policy lending investments in Peru, Egypt, Mozambique and Indonesia. The studies revealed, inter alia, that these policy loans were undermining the Bank’s climate change commitments and forest protection efforts by introducing new fossil fuel subsidies, including for coal. BIC met with World Bank staff on multiple occasions to discuss the findings of the studies and provided drafts for comment. BIC is disappointed that the World Bank, instead of recognizing and addressing the serious findings in the studies, chose to dismiss the findings; respond with generalizations instead of responses to specific findings; and provide no facts to substantiate its claims. In the link below, BIC responds to every comment provided by the World Bank in its response.
BIC response to World Bank Comments on DPF
The four country case studies and executive summary of the BIC Report may be found at
The World Bank’s comments are copied verbatim in BIC’s response and may be found on the World Bank’s website at