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January 11, 2017
The World Bank is in the process of drafting a new Country Partnership Framework to guide its work in Peru for the next four to six years. This framework is slated to be finalized by April 2017, and is meant to include feedback and comments from stakeholders. However, no draft of this framework will be released before April 2017.
Civil society groups in Peru, together with Bank Information Center, sent a letter to the World Bank office in Lima requesting that the draft of the Country Partnership Framework be released prior to the close of the comment period on January 30, 2017. Organizations expressed that inputs submitted during this comment period will be of limited use if there is no draft document to comment on.
World Bank consultations with civil society concluded in December, 2016, however the Bank failed to provide drafts of either the Country Partnership Framework (CPF) or the Systematic Country Diagnostic (SCD) to inform the consultations. The SCD aims to provide an objective viewpoint to guide the drafting of the CPF so it is essential that both drafts be released.
There is precedent for releasing draft country strategy documents (including both or either the CPF and SCD) for consultations and comment in Tunisia and Egypt, and is also included in the World Bank’s Access to Information policy[1].
Given the importance of this process in influencing Bank investments and also government policy development in Peru, coupled with the lack of a satisfactory consultation process to date, members of civil society in Peru are meeting on January 24th in Lima to discuss what they would like to see in the forthcoming CPF. In order to provide relevant feedback to the World Bank on the CPF, it is necessary that a draft of the CPF is released as soon as possible before the January 30th deadline.
[1] Access to Information Policy Directicve/Procedure, World Bank. July 1, 2015