The Sierra Club, along with the Kosovar Institute for Policy Research and Development, has commissioned a report detailing the economic data involved in the World Bank’s TOR for its proposed Kosovar power project, including a lignite fired coal plant, finding many problems with the analysis.
A new evaluation of a $1.3 billion World Bank development policy loan to promote sustainability reforms at the Brazilian National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) that questions the effectiveness of DPLs due to weaknesses in existing Bank policy guiding their design and execution. This brief calls for the reform of Bank DPL policy as an urgent part of the ongoing revision of World Bank safeguard policies to ensure consistent management of risk across all World Bank operations.
This update prepared by the Bank Information Center introduces the FCPF Readiness Package (R-Package) and the Carbon Fund (CF) operational.
The irregularity of the voluntary market of carbon credits is outpacing the environmental and legislative capacity of the country: irregular transfer of millions of hectares of forests as part of the market for carbon credits and other environmental services.