Bolivian government announced the creation of a 100 million dollars fund for four state businesses in the Amazon. for a lumber company, tropical frutes, and rubber. The government’s hope is that, with these new businesses the people in the north of Bolivia will have more opportunities to work and earn higher wages.
Groups in Bolivia’s Pando department, whose land rights have been historically compromised, look to the resettlement plan as a way to firmly establish their rights under the new constitution.
Indigenous peoples organizations emphasize that the government did not consult with them on various oil explorations. Because they were not consulted, there is no established forum for their complaints.
Minister of Land, Alejandro Almaraz, announced yesterday that according to a preliminary estimate the Government’s resettlement plan for 2,000 families in the department of Pando could require approximately US$21 million. Under the plan developed by the Government, there are 600,000 hectares of land to distribute this year in three regions of the country. 200,000 hectares of those are in the department of Pando.
The Society formed by GTLI y Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales awaiting an environmental license and Petroandina has entered the phase of seismic studies.
Will the new crisis in the Nile affect the implementation of the West Delta project? Dr. Rushdy Said, an Egyptian geologist, says that Egypt will suffer from water problems this summer. This is the first summer after the building of the new dam in Sudan. Said also doesn’t know anything about how the Egyptian government …